포럼 소식

The National Assembly Forum on Climate Change


[기후포럼] 10월5일 기후변화 국제컨퍼런스 안내
작성일2011-09-27 13:21

페이지 정보




국회기후변화포럼에서 전해드립니다.
아래와 같이 GGGI 등이 공동주최하는 국제컨퍼런스가 개최되오니
업무에 참고하시기 바랍니다.. 감사합니다.

 Joint Conference on "Climate Change and Green Growth: 
  "Understanding the Threat, Seizing the Opportunities"
5 October 2011

This is a kind reminder to register to an international conference on "Climate Change and Green Growth: Understanding the Threat, Seizing the Opportunities" to be held on 5 October 2011 in the Millennium Seoul Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea. This joint conference offers participants the chance to discuss with international experts the risks and opportunities that climate change brings. We would also kindly invite you to a dinner hosted on the same day.

 For detailed information, kindly refer to the attached conference background paper (Attachment 1), and the tentative conference agenda (Attachment 2). To participate in the conference, please complete the attached registration form (Attachment 3) and submit to events@gggi.org fax at +82-2-2096-9990 until 30 September 2011.


